The wallet feature allows users to add funds using various payment methods. They can use this wallet balance to purchase membership packages, and for subscription-based membership packages, the money is automatically debited from their wallet upon expiry.

Note: The wallet system requires an extended license. If you have an extended license but the wallet system doesn’t appear, update your license information via Menu > Settings > License Info. If the wallet system still doesn’t appear after updating your license information, check your site role permissions to ensure the wallet feature is enabled.

How to enable or disable the wallet feature for site users ?

  1. Click on the Menu.
  2. Go to “Modules” in the side navigation menu.
  3. Select “Site Roles.”
  4. Click the three dots icon next to the site role for which you want to modify.
  5. Choose “Edit.”
  6. Under Wallet section, select or deselect “View Wallet” to allow/disallow users to access their wallet statistics. Select or Deselect “View Personal Transactions” to enable/disable users to see details of their wallet transactions, such as credits and debits.
  7. Click the “Update” button.

How to manually credit or debit funds from a user’s wallet?

  1. Click on Menu.
  2. Select Site Users from the side navigation menu.
  3. Choose “View All”.
  4. Click the three dots icon next to the user
  5. Choose “Manage Wallet”.
  6. In the “Take Action” section, select “Credit Funds” to add money or “Deduct Funds” to debit money from the user’s wallet.
  7. Enter the amount in the “Amount” field and click “Update“.

Note : To debit or credit wallet funds, your site role must have the “Manage User Wallet Funds” permission enabled.

How to allow or disallow users from topping up their wallet ?

  1. Click on the Menu.
  2. Go to “Modules” in the side navigation menu.
  3. Select “Site Roles.”
  4. Click the three dots icon next to the site role for which you want to modify.
  5. Choose “Edit.”
  6. Under the Wallet section, select or deselect “Top Up Wallet” to allow or disallow users from adding funds to their wallet.
  7. Click the “Update” button.

How to change the default currency ?

  1. Click on the Menu.
  2. Select Settings from the side navigation menu.
  3. Choose Wallet
  4. Find the “Default Currency” field and select your preferred currency.
  5. Click the “Update” button.

Note :

  • Changing the currency may take some time as the current balance needs to be converted to the new currency.
  • During wallet top-up, some payment methods may not support the selected currency, so the system will automatically convert it to a supported currency.

How to top up your wallet ?

  1. Click on the Menu.
  2. Select Wallet from the side navigation menu.
  3. Choose Your Current Info
  4. Click the “Top Up” button next to your wallet balance.
  5. A popup will appear where you can enter the amount to add and select a payment method.
  6. Once you’ve entered the amount, click the “Top Up” button to complete the process.

How to view/validate user-uploaded bank receipts ?

  1. Click on the Menu.
  2. Select Wallet from the side navigation menu.
  3. Choose Bank Reciepts
  4. Click on the bank receipt, then choose “Validate” to verify it.
  5. On the screen that appears, find the “Take Action” field and select your preferred option.

Note: If you are unable to view/validate bank receipts, ensure that the required permissions are selected for your site role under the “Bank Receipts” section in the Site Roles Module.

How to view or validate transactions related to the wallet ?

  1. Click on the Menu.
  2. Select Wallet from the side navigation menu.
  3. Choose Site Transactions
  4. Click on the Transaction, then choose “Edit Order
  5. On the screen that appears, find the “Take Action” field and select your preferred option.
  6. Click the “Update” button.

Note: The “Approve” option will simply approve the transaction, while “Approve & Add Funds” will both approve the transaction and add funds to the user’s wallet. Similarly, the “Disapprove” option will only disapprove the transaction, while “Disapprove & Debit” will disapprove the transaction and deduct the amount from the user’s wallet.

How to update invoice details, such as company address, invoice logo and invoice sender information ?

  1. Click on the Menu.
  2. Select Settings from the side navigation menu.
  3. Choose Wallet
  4. Modify the details to match your own.
  5. Click the “Update” button.

How to allow or disallow users from downloading invoices ?

  1. Click on the Menu.
  2. Go to “Modules” in the side navigation menu.
  3. Select “Site Roles.”
  4. Click the three dots icon next to the site role for which you want to modify.
  5. Choose “Edit.”
  6. Under the Wallet section, select or deselect “Download Invoice” to allow or disallow users from downloading invoices.
  7. Click the “Update” button.

How can users update their billing address?

  1. Click on the Menu.
  2. Select Wallet from the side navigation menu.
  3. Choose Billing Info
  4. Modify the details to match their own.
  5. Click the “Update” button.

How to force users to provide a billing address before topping up their wallet?

  1. Click on the Menu.
  2. Select Settings from the side navigation menu.
  3. Choose Wallet
  4. Find the “Require Billing Address” field and select “Yes
  5. Click the “Update” button.