The Change Logs section is a record of all updates and modifications made. You can find the instructions for upgrading Grupo at the following link: Upgrade Grupo

Grupo V3.8.1

  • Added Option to Manually Credit or Debit User Wallet
  • Added Option to Bulk Import Scheduled Messages via CSV File
  • Added ‘Add-to-HomeScreen’ Library to Display PWA Install Prompt Instead of Default Browser Prompt
  • Option for Users to Block Private Video and Audio Chats
  • Option for Users to Block Private Messages from Non-Friends
  • Integrated – Detect Proxies and Blacklisted IP Addresses (IP Intelligence)
  • Added Payment Gateway
  • Added Paymentwall Payment Gateway
  • Fixed Bugs

Grupo V3.8

  • Added Wallet System
  • Added Browser Fingerprinting Module
  • Added Group Video/Audio Chat Access Levels: Viewer or Participant.
  • Integrated with Email Marketing Platforms: Sender.Net and Brevo
  • Added social sharing functionality to the Profile
  • Added social sharing functionality to the Group
  • Added a plugin to integrate Grupo with PlayTube for Single Sign-On
  • Option to Show the entire URL in chat messages
  • Added aamarPay Payment Method
  • Added Paysera Payment Method
  • Added PayTr Payment Method
  • Membership packages now auto-renew on expiry, with funds debited from the user’s wallet.
  • Option to create membership packages that are cancellable and refundable (Wallet)
  • Now, Screenshots are shared only when you click “Send”
  • Fixed Bugs.

Grupo V3.7

  • Added an option to categorize groups
  • Added screen share feature (Video Chat)
  • Added an option to enable maintenance mode
  • Added lyzico Payment Method
  • Added Xendit Payment Method
  • Added an option to generate fake user accounts
  • Added option to search & share videos in chat (Video Search Engine – YouTube)
  • Added an option to set the number of groups to show on the landing page
  • Added an option to arrange pinned groups in your preferred order
  • Added an option to show membership packages on the landing page
  • Added an option to restrict the number of groups a user can create (site roles)
  • Added an option to normalize text messages (For example: Previeuy to Preview).
  • Added an option to disable the requirement for a billing address when ordering a membership package
  • Added option to arrange membership packages in your preferred order
  • Added an option to disable message text formatting (text styles: bold, italic, underline, and lists)
  • Added site notification to inform users when their membership is about to expire or has expired.
  • Fixed Bugs

Grupo V3.6

  • Added Group Audio Call feature
  • Added One-to-One Audio Call feature
  • Added the feature for users to share their location in chat
  • Added the option to moderate images using Google Cloud Vision
  • Added the option to moderate text content using Perspective API
  • Added the option to preview PDF files without downloading
  • Added support for MKV video file format (requires FFMPEG)
  • Added the option for users to react to private chat messages
  • Added RazorPay Payment Gateway
  • Added NowPayments Payment Option
  • Added toyyibPay Payment Option
  • Added Flutterwave Payment Option
  • Added the option to send a welcome email for new users
  • Added a separate section for editing mail contents
  • Added the option to skip text and image moderation for specific site roles
  • Added an option to display the total group users and online users count on the landing page (Groups section)
  • Added an option to disable password editing for specific site roles
  • Added an option to prevent specific site roles from setting their time zone
  • Added a plugin to integrate Grupo with QuickDate for Single Sign-On
  • Fixed Bugs

Grupo V3.5.1

Grupo V3.5

  • Group Video Chat (Agora & Twilio)
  • One to One Video Chat (Agora & Twilio)
  • Cloud Storage (Amazon S3-compatible Storage Providers)
  • User Membership System (Requires Extended License)
  • Added PayPal & Stripe Payment Gateways
  • Role Hierarchy feature (Site Roles & Group Roles)
  • Added support for Laut.Fm radio stream (Now Playing Info)
  • Option to add Custom Fields in Guest Login
  • Blacklist Websites with Link Filter
  • Option to select “Terms of Service” Page (Entry Page)
  • Added Manrope Font
  • Added the option to repeat scheduled messages.
  • Support for uploading GIFs within stickers.
  • Option to disable Right Click
  • Option to assign the default group role for each group.
  • Option to limit users in a site role to send private messages exclusively to specific site roles
  • Implemented automatic translation of months into their equivalent languages
  • Fixed Bugs

Grupo V3.4

  • Message Scheduler
  • Mobile Number Verification via OTP
  • Option to Edit Group & Private Messages
  • Option for users to delete their own account
  • Option to enable photo upload during signup
  • @everyone –  Mention Everyone in Group
  • Adblock Detector
  • Added Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA
  • Added GetIPIntel and services (IP Intelligence)
  • Option to send push notifications for new private messages (regardless of online status) and new friend requests
  • Option to send email notifications on: new private message, new friend request, and new user registration pending approval
  • Advanced user searches
  • Radio – “Now Playing” information
  • Sign in with phone number instead of username
  • Added image moderation for group and profile images, as well as group and profile cover pictures.
  • New ad slots added for the chat page in the header and footer locations
  • Added profanity filter for full name and username
  • Option to send system message on groups when a group member’s role changes.
  • Option to set maximum and minimum guest nickname length
  • Option to display profile URL in the profile section [Site Roles]
  • Option to hide/show email and phone number in profile [Site Roles]
  • Option to hide footer section on the landing page
  • Option to set default background image for private and group chats
  • Added New Fonts – Inter & M Plus 1p
  • Fixed Bugs

Grupo V3.3

  • Fake Online Users
  • Friends Feature
  • Nearby Users feature (Geolocation System)
  • Forward Group messages feature
  • Group Headers [Allows you to place HTML/PHP code in Group Headers]
  • Option to Allow Guest users to convert Guest account to Registered Account
  • Option to Hide Groups when a user visits through the group URL (Site Role Feature)
  • Option to set Minimum Full Name length
  • Option to limit Full Name Character Length
  • Unread Notification Count in the Browser Title Bar
  • Option for Resending a verification email
  • Option to display username instead of full name in Group & Private Chats
  • Play SoundCloud tracks directly within Grupo without leaving the chat interface
  • Option to Compress Video Files
  • Option to Compress Image Files
  • Option to Compress Audio Files
  • Added Language Switcher in Landing page
  • Added Cairo & Rubik Web fonts
  • Email Validators
    – Option to block email addresses from certain domains
    – Option to allow email addresses only from certain domains
  • Added new Custom Menu location [Side Navigation Top portion]
  • Users will hidden from Messages section on Clear Chat or on Blocking Users
  • Separate section to view old messages from Blocked users
  • Option to Show Friends, Nearby Users on page load [Site Roles]
  • Option to Re-login as Admin [Login as User Feature]
  • Option to view User’s Private Chats in separate section
  • Option to delete user’s private conversations
  • Added block & ignore options in private conversations
  • Option to add Custom CSS on Specific Pages
  • Option to add Custom JavaScript on Specific Pages
  • Option to delete Complaints
  • Option to show/hide Side Navigation on load
  • Added hCaptcha & reCaptcha dark theme.
  • Option to display message timestamp only on hover
  • Option to enable/disable CSRF token feature
  • Option to perform Search on Change of Input
  • Option to allow/prevent sharing Email Addresses (Site roles & Group roles)
  • UI Improvements
  • Fixed Bugs

Grupo V3.2

  1. Image Moderation (SightEngine) : Auto Remove Images that contain Partial Nudity, Explicit Nudity, Weapons, Alcohol, Drugs, Offensive Signs, Graphic Violence & Gore
  2. Bulk import users (CSV Import)
  3. Option to set maximum group messages per day (Site Roles)
  4. Option to set maximum private messages per day (Site Roles)
  5. Option to display full file name of Attachment(s)
  6. Option to show/hide group member list from Non Group members
  7. Option to show Site users on load [Left Panel]
  8. Option to remove multiple Site Notifications at once
  9. Option to force logged in users to join public groups inorder to view messages
  10. Now supports Tenor’s V2 API
  11. Added new custom field type – URL
  12. Option to hide site adverts for Site Roles (Ad-Free Account)
  13. Export Conversations (UI Improvements)
  14. Localize the period (AM/PM) in a time stamp (Language Manager)
  15. Option to validate your SMTP Settings (yourwebaddress/validate_smtp/)
  16. Restrict Custom Pages based on Site Roles
  17. Show/hide Custom Menu Items based on Site Roles
  18. Option to disable landing page blocks (Trending Groups, FAQ)
  19. Option to hide email address field in Registeration Page
  20. Option to hide name field In Registeration Page
  21. Option to hide UserName Field In Registration Page
  22. Option to set Site Advert block Minimum Height
  23. Now Supports WebP Image format
  24. Auto Convert Email Address into Clickable Hyperlink (Messages)
  25. UI Improvements
  26. Fixed bugs

Grupo V3.1

  1. User Approval System
  2. Mini Audio Player
  3. API Requests
  4. WordPress Integration Plugin
  5. Improvements
  6. Option to Restrict certain Slugs from being created
  7. Option to Load Group Info on Group Load
  8. Option Set Custom login URL
  9. Option to Set Custom Logout URL : Use this option to set the URL to which users are redirected on Logout.
  10. Fixed Bugs

Grupo V3.0 Beta

  1. Landing Page
  2. Push Notifications
  3. Major UI Improvements
  4. Fully Revamped
  5. Badges (Create & Assign Custom Badges for Group & Profile)
  6. Group Roles
  7. Audio Player – Create your own playlist
  8. Message Reactions (Group Messages)
  9. Custom Pages
  10. Chat Monitor
  11. Statistics
  12. GIF Content Filtering
  13. Manage Avatars
  14. Option to set Meta title & Meta description for Groups, Custom Pages, Website
  15. Sitemap
  16. White-label Version – Removed Grupo branding
  17. Option to set custom Group background
  18. Option to Pin Multiple Groups
  19. Option to “Auto add users to multiple groups on signup”
  20. New Entry, 404, Banned & Offline pages
  21. Auto-generate Video thumbnail (Requires FFmpeg Support)
  22. Video & Audio files are auto converted to browser supported formats (Requires FFmpeg Support)
  23. Country Badge
  24. Cookie Consent
  25. 3x Faster
  26. Slideshow Manager (Entry Page)
  27. Added hCaptcha Support
  28. Added Gfycat Support
  29. Added GIPHY Support
  30. Option to set idle/offline time
  31. New Notification Sounds
  32. Ignore/Block Users
  33. Suspend Groups
  34. Option to set Name Color for Site Roles
  35. Group Text Badge – Option to Show Group Role Next to Chat Message
  36. Multi-select Check Box List
  37. Sortable Lists
  38. Option to set content to show on page load
  39. Flood Protection System – Option to set “Time difference between each message” for separate site roles
  40. Option to set Maximum Storage Space (Site Roles)
  41. Option to set “Accepted File Formats for Uploads” (Site Roles)
  42. Manage User Storage
  43. Auto Minifier will Minify, combine, and cache JavaScript and CSS files.
  44. “Editable Only Once” Custom Fields
  45. Option to show/hide custom fields on Info Box
  46. Option to prevent users from initiating new private chats (Site Roles)
  47. Option to prevent users from sharing links
  48. Set “Time Limit to Delete their own Messages” (Site Roles)
  49. Option to prevent users from changing Username, Email address, Full name (Site Roles)
  50. Option to Configure PWA background color, theme color, Short Name, Description, Display Mode
  51. Option to format text messages – Bold, Italic, Underline
  52. Option to Add a numbered or bulleted list to text message
  53. New Profanity Filter System with Whitelisting feature
  54. Option to set default group visibility when creating Groups (Site Roles)
  55. Option to Create Cron Jobs – To auto delete chat messages, Site Users, User files

Grupo V2.6.2

  1. PHP 8 Compatibility
  2. Fixed Bugs

Grupo V2.6.1

  1. Added Option to disable Radio Auto Play (Grupo Settings)
  2. Added Option to disable Cookie Consent (Grupo Settings)
  3. Added Option to get user Information via Grupo Connect (API)
  4. Added Option to Delete users chat in one Click
  5. Added Option to add/edit user custom profile fields via Grupo Connect (API)
  6. Added Option to delete users via Grupo Connect (API)
  7. Added Option to force logout user via Grupo Connect (API)
  8. Added Group description on Join group Confirm dialog Box
  9. Added Callback URL field in Login Provider (Providers > Options > Edit)
  10. Now you can signin page blocks (terms,about,privacy,contact) via links
    • http://yourgrupourl/signin/pg/about/
    • http://yourgrupourl/signin/pg/terms/
    • http://yourgrupourl/signin/pg/privacy/
    • http://yourgrupourl/signin/pg/contact/
  11. Fixed Bugs

Grupo V2.6

  1. Add or Manage Ad Slots
    • Left Side
    • Right Side
    • Welcome Window
    • Advert As Chat Message
    • Signin Page Top
    • Signin Page Bottom
  2. Add or Manage Stickers
  3. Social Login (Connect with more than 40+ Providers)
  4. Message display styles (You can change via Grupo Settings)
    • Style 1 – Minimal without user image
    • Style 2 – With user image & timestamp below message
  5. Create Slugs for Groups
  6. New User Friendly URLs
  7. Grupo Connect – Integrate with other scripts using Curl Request – Tutorial
    • Create a new User
    • Edit a user
    • User Login
    • Create a new Group
    • Join/Add users to Group
  8. Now access Profile or Group directly via links
  9. UI Improvements
  10. Admins or Roles assigned can View/Manage Users Private Conversations
  11. Option to delete all Group messages in One Click
  12. Radio Player – Add & listen to your favorite Radio Stations – Directory
  13. Converts Phone Numbers to “Click to Call” Links
  14. Option to Zoom, Rotate or Flip Image Preview
  15. Option to Export or Import Language Packages (json format)
  16. Option to remove Custom Bg
  17. Option to disable Join Confirmation Message (You can disable via Grupo Settings)
  18. Option to view public group without login (You can enable this option via Settings)
  19. Option to preview files in File Manager
  20. Option to set Maximum file size users can upload via Grupo Roles
  21. Option to set Maximum number of groups users can Join via Grupo Roles
  22. Added New Avatars
  23. Option to hide/show Group members
  24. Block List – Users can view list of profiles blocked by themselves
  25. Option to hide/show users currently browsing a particular Group
  26. Now Change Avatar directly from Edit Profile Page
  27. Option to set Minimum or Maximum Username Length
  28. Recently Shared Photos
  29. Now view date & time of visit from IP logs
  30. Option to show “Login as Guest” tab first on load
  31. Option to hide Group tab when accessing Group directly via link
  32. Option to send as other users (You can enable this option via Grupo Roles)
  33. Temporary Ban from Group (Now you can Ban a user for a specific period of time)
  34. Added options to enable/disable features such name color, hide full name, Custom BG, etc via Grupo Roles
  35. Added option to set Date Format (via Grupo Settings)
  36. Users can now clear private chat conversations.
  37. Now you can Play Video Links directly inside Grupo
  38. Auto hide right side on Tablet Devices
  39. Shows Role Icon Image
  40. Fixed Bugs

Grupo V2.5.1

  1. Add or Manage Stickers
  2. Add or Manage Ad Slots – Left Side, Right Side, Welcome Window, As Chat Message, Signin Page Top & Bottom
  3. Social Login (Connect with more than 40+ Providers)
  4. Two different message display styles
  5. Group Slug
  6. Access Profile or Group directly via links
  7. Option to delete all Group messages in One Click
  8. Radio Player – Add your favorite Radio Stations
  9. Converts Phone Numbers to “Click to Call” Links
  10. Option to Zoom, Rotate or Flip Image Preview
  11. Option to Export or Import Language Packages
  12. Option to remove Custom Bg
  13. No right click on Image
  14. Option to disable Join Confirmation Message
  15. Option to view public group without login (You can enable this option via Settings)
  16. Option to preview files in File Manager
  17. Option to set Maximum file size users can upload via Grupo Roles
  18. Option to set Maximum number of groups users can Join via Grupo Roles
  19. Control User Private Conversations
  20. Added New Avatars
  21. Option to hide/show Group members
  22. Block List – Users can view list of profiles blocked by themselves
  23. Option to hide/show users currently browsing a particular Group
  24. Now Change Avatar directly from Edit Profile Page
  25. Option to set Minimum or Maximum Username Length
  26. Recently Shared Photos
  27. Now shows Date & Time on IP logs
  28. Option to show “Login as Guest” tab first on load
  29. Option to hide Group tab when accessing Group directly via link
  30. Option to send as other users (You can enable this option via Grupo Roles)
  31. Temporary Ban from Group (Now you can Ban a user for a specific period of time)
  32. Added options to enable/disable features such name color, hide full name, Custom BG, etc via Grupo Roles
  33. Added option to set Date Format (via Grupo Settings)
  34. Users can now clear private chat conversations.
  35. Now you can Play Video Links directly inside Grupo
  36. Auto hide right side on Tablet Devices
  37. UI Improvements
  38. Shows Role Icon Image
  39. Fixed Bugs
  1. Added Page Transitions (Mobile)
    • Slide In Effect
    • Rotate In Effect
    • Zoom In Effect
    • Bounce In Effect
    • Back In Effect
  2. Added Group Notifications
    • User is Now Admin
    • User is Now Moderator
    • User is no longer admin/moderator
  3. Fixed Bugs

Grupo V2.5.0

  1. Dark/Light Mode
  2. Progressive Web App (PWA)
  3. Link Previews (New)
  4. Offline Page
  5. Grupo Info
  6. Custom Group Fields
  7. Grupo Booster (beta)
  8. IP/Device Logs (Users > Logs)
  9. Block a range of IP addresses
  10. Custom Menu/Navigation Items
  11. Tab Search
  12. Added “Privacy Policy”, “Contact Us” & “About” Block (Signin Page)
  13. New Voice Messages will be stored in MP3 format
  14. Supports GIF images (Requires Imagick Extension)
  15. ASCII to Emoji Convertor
  16. Attach Multiple Files (Chatroom)
  17. File Upload Progress (Chatroom)
  18. Social Meta Tags
  19. Option to Auto Release Guest Usernames
  20. Option to Generate Random Guest Username (If it is unavailable)
  21. Option to Enable/Disable Gravatars
  22. Option to Filter Joined/Unjoined Groups
  23. Option to Select/Unselect Email Notifications
  24. Option to show/hide custom fields in Signup Page
  25. Option to show/hide “Online Users” in Tab
  26. Option to Bulk Remove Alerts Notifications
  27. Option to Set Login Session timeout
  28. Option to set AJAX Polling Timeout (Long Polling)
  29. Option to show/hide Sender Name
  30. Option to Auto Delete only Offline Users
  31. Option to add Custom Content in Body (Menu > Header/Footer)
  32. Option to disable/enable Creating Unleavable, Hidden or Password Protected groups
  33. Minor UI Modifications
  34. Fixed Bugs

Grupo V2.4

  1. Added “Pin Group” Feature
  2. Added “Unleavable Group” Feature
  3. Added feature to limit messages send per minute (Flood control)
  4. Added function to enable or disable Non Latin Usernames
  5. Added function to enable or disable Send Button
  6. Added function to enable or disable Force HTTPS
  7. Added function to convert URL to HTML link in Profile fields
  8. Added function to rebuild Grupo Cache & reset logs
  9. Fixed certain bugs in RTL Languages

Grupo V2.3.1

  1. Fixed “Missing Panel Options in Edge” Issue
    [Modified file : gem/mine/grupo.php]

Grupo V2.3

  1. Update for enabling/disabling Real-time Individual Unread Count
  2. Added function to fix Orientation for Image uploaded from Mobile
  3. Fixed “Unable to close Emoji in certain Mobile Devices” Issue
  4. Fixed Sign in page Issue (Nickname field showing in Signup form)

Note : We don’t recommend enabling Real-time Individual Unread Count feature. The feature may be enabled/disabled through settings option to suit client requirements depending upon your server configuration.

Grupo V2.2.1

  1. Added Searching in Non Latin Characters
  2. Fixed Login as User Issue (Remember Me)
  3. Added Login as user & Act option in Search

Grupo V2.2.0

  1. Added Who’s typing feature in Private Messages
  2. Fixed Private Messaging List Issue
  3. Fixed Login Cache Issue
  4. Fixed Play/Visit Button issue in Android Native Browsers

Grupo V2.1

  1. Fixed Bugs