If you are using Grupo with Nginx or Windows Server, you will need to setup Nginx specific rewrite rules or web.config file.

NGINX Rewrite rules

1) If you want to integrate Grupo into the root of your domain :

location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
            location ~ /(fns|pages|include|layouts) {
              deny all;
              return 404;
location ~* /(assets)/(.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg|flv|mp3|jfif|wav|mp4|ogg|pdf|webm|bmp|webp|json|woff|woff2|ttf|eot|js|css|map|mov)$ {
              allow all;
location ~ /(fns|pages|include|layouts|assets)/(.+)\.[^\.]+$ {
            deny all;

2) If you placed Grupo files in its own subdirectory

location /subfoldername/ {
               try_files $uri $uri/ /subfoldername/index.php?$args;
location ~* /(subfoldername/assets)/(.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg|flv|mp3|jfif|wav|mp4|ogg|pdf|webm|bmp|webp|json|woff|woff2|ttf|eot|js|css|map|mov)$ {
             allow all;
location ~ /(subfoldername/fns|subfoldername/pages|subfoldername/include|subfoldername/layouts|subfoldername/assets)/(.+)\.[^\.]+$ {
           deny all;

Ensure that the location /subfoldername/ block is defined before the generic location / block in your Nginx configuration file. The order of location blocks matters, and Nginx will use the first matching location block.

Windows Server
Grupo, by default, uses an .htaccess file to manipulate how the web server serves files from your website. However, an .htaccess file cannot be read by a Windows server, so you will need what is called a “web.config” file to do the same things the .htaccess would on Linux servers. Upload the web.config file present in “ReadMe” folder [Check the zip file downloaded from Codecanyon].